Program Description:

The Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring (BPSM) program is a four-month evidence-based health intervention designed to help persons with high blood pressure better manage their blood pressure by developing the habit of routine self-monitoring and tracking the blood pressure. Upon the completion of the four-month program, participants may experience the following:

  • Reduction in their blood pressure
  • Development of new skills to manage their blood pressure
  • Ability to identify and control triggers that elevate their blood pressure
  • More confidence in their ability to adopt healthier eating habits

Program Committments:

Participants will work with trained Healthy Heart Ambassadors for the four-month duration of the program and are encouraged to: 
  • Measure and record their blood pressure on their own at least two times per month 
  • Attend two monthly one-on-one meetings held on Monday and Friday starting at 9 AM until 5 PM held in a private area. 
  • Attend one monthly nutritional seminar held on the third Wednesday of the month (Jan. 17th, Feb. 21st, Mar. 20th, Apr. 17th) in the Library. 

Program Requirements:

  • Must be at least 18 years old
  • Be diagnosed with high blood pressure
  • Not have experienced a recent cardiac event
  • Not have atrial fibrillation or other arrhythmias
  • Not be at risk for lymphedema

For more information or to sign up, please contact Quamel Broadhurst at [email protected] or call 914-963-0183 x43